Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 27: Hamburg

Our last day in Germany has been a pretty good one.  I think I mentioned how we usually spend up to an hour searching for our hostel when we get to a new city but today was quite fantastic.  We woke up at 7:15am and made our way to the hauptbahnhof (main train station) in Berlin heading towards Hamburg.  Brendan was dying for Dunkin Donuts since we'd seen it for the first time in Europe in Berlin so we grabbed a doughnut for breakfast and then hopped on the train which, per usual, was leaving from a different platform than was previously listed.  So far I think we've only had one German train that came on time to the right platform hah.  Anyways, we got off the train two hours later and walked across the street to find our hostel right in front of us!  Then we tagged along on a free tour that was leaving just as we got there.

Hamburg is basically a port city and makes a lot of money from trade.  A lot of the city was destroyed in 1842 in a fire and then everything that was rebuilt was destroyed in WWII.  The city has since been very nicely rebuilt and seems like a great place to hang out!  We have heard good things about the red light district as well (good dining, the opera house apparently... not what I was expecting in a red light district) although we plan to just stay in and work on our essays.  We're pretty tired anyways so it's a nice way to relax.  We're staying in Generator hostel which seems like a really nice place!  It reminds me a lot of Wombats if you're ever looking for a cheap place to stay in Hamburg.  Anyways, check out the photo captions to see what kind of things we saw on the three hour tour.  Thanks for reading!

Our train ride to Hamburg was quite lovely!

The Chilehaus designed to look like a ship.  It's an old shipping company's building (left).  The tower for the Church of St. Nicholas (right).

What was left of the Church of St. Nicholas after the bombings.  Now a memorial.


This isn't even the harbor--the harbor is apparently the size of Colone!

Lots of boats in this town...

The new "Harbor City" that is being built after the destruction caused by WWII.  It's going to be a city within Hamburg.  Pretty neat.

Their new concert hall.  I think they're trying to compete with RPI's EMPAC.

The unusual stop signs.  Two men?  So unnecessary lol.

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