Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 11 Rome

Constantine Arch and Coliseum

I guess my folder of pictures on my laptop unfortunately got corrupted somehow so I'll just be using Brendan's photos except for the ones I took at dinner.  My videos survived though!  So that's good I guess.  Anyways...

We're in Rome!  We left our hostel in Florence and took a train (that had compartments like in Harry Potter!  And Eurotrip... haha) to Rome.  We checked in to a pretty good hostel here that has all the amenities all though the showers aren't the nicest.  We started out by visiting the Coliseum which was amazing!  I had no idea how complex it was or that it used to be a private lake for Nero before it was used as an arena.  The tour made me want to go watch Gladiator again.  I almost can't believe the sort of things that went on there.

We then walked across the street to the Roman Forum and Paletine Hill but since we didn't get audio guides there we really didn't know what the difference was between each ruin except for maybe what the signs said.  It was still interesting though!  After a short walk by the capital, we went back to our hostel and then went to meet up with Jess, Nikki's good friend from Danbury who is studying in Rome.  It was so fun!  She brought some of her study abroad friends and took us to the student-y part of town where we had some appetizers, pizza, and water for just 10 euro per person!  It was so good.  It's nice to learn about a city from people who live there.  Getting lost can be fun I suppose too hah.

Gotta get to bed for an early day tomorrow.  Check back soon for more Roman details and thanks for reading!

I look good... 

The underground passage ways were for putting animals and people up on the arena level through trap doors.  So impressive!  The area on the other end is the actual arena level. 

The Roman Forum

Delicious pizza we had for dinner with artichokes, egg, ham, and mushrooms.

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