Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 17: Vienna

Brendan shivering on the metro.

Guten tag!  We're in Vienna, Austria!  We didn't get much sleep on the train again.  Brendan didn't sleep and I fell asleep for short periods of time but woke up because of how cold it was.  I typed a text message in my phone to show the deaf gentleman using google translate (I had internet for 30 minutes on the train) but his wife woke up and asked him to change the temperature just before I handed it to him.  I'm sure it was pretty bad, haha.  It read:

Konnten sie bitte schalten sie den lufter nach unten?
Mir ist kalt.  Ich spreche Englisch.  Entshuldigung.  Danke!

My Austrian friend (from UCL) says he probably would've gotten the gist of it... I was surprised to see snow on the ground when the sun rose.  Brendan and I had not planned for cold weather actually so we were pretty sad when it was 2°C when we got off the train at 7 AM.  We took the metro to the hostel and had a really good breakfast.  Once the temperature rose a a bit (to 44°F!) we decided to head out and walk around.  That's pretty much all we did today!  I honestly can't tell you much about the buildings we saw unfortunately.  There are a lot of horse drawn carriages and the roads are extremely wide with a lot of large buildings.  They're not tall, they're simply large.  But they are all generally very nice looking and the downtown area has a ton of shopping.  It seemed like the rest of the city was shut down since it's the day after Easter.  We walked through a really nice park too and went by the soccer (fussball) stadium on our way to the river and then turned back, passing a few churches, to go back to the center of town.  Now we're back in the hostel to do some work on our essays.  I wish I could tell you more other than that Vienna is a really nice city.  We felt bad even thinking about jay-walking since no one else seemed to do it here and the streets are so clean.  Anyways, we're off to Salzburg tomorrow!

"Hey Brendan, which stop are we getting off at?"
"The long one."
"...but they're all long..."

Love the horses!

We went through this park (which had to have the world's longest playground slide) and then it turned into what I might nearly classify as a forrest.

Playing Fußball/Fussball--not sure why their fussballs are so big?  : )

One of the bridges going over the huge river.

A really cool church of sorts and the Ferris wheel.

The Cathedral had a lot of work being done on the outside but the inside was quite nice!

So many horse drawn carriages... 

Hero's square building. 


Hostel room of eight people.  Wombats Hostels are great!  Free towels, a free drink, clean, good bathroom, lockers, and great wifi in the lobby with comfortable chairs.  Highly recommended if you're looking for a place in Vienna, Munich, or Berlin!

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