Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 14: Rome

The Mater Admirabilis Fresco!  As seen in Stone Ridge's foyer.

Today was our last day in Rome!  We had a good time today just walking around Rome to catch a few last sights that we missed the other two days.  We started out by finding the Mater Admirabilis Fresco atop the Spanish steps and then had some lunch (we had a relaxing start to the day with showers and packing included).  We also stopped by St. Peter's Square (hoping to catch the Pope on Good Friday?) before heading to the Garibaldi Piazzale for a great view of Rome.  We climbed half way up the Capitol building too (the line for the lift/elevator to the top was too long and too expensive hah) and then watched the changing of the guard by the tomb of the unknown soldier.  We couldn't think of much else to do so we walked by the Colosseum back to the hostel to catch up on some work before leaving for Venice tonight.  Plus the hostel has free pasta dinners on Fridays and Saturdays!  Yum.  Thanks for reading :)

Garibaldi Piazzale

The view from Garibaldi Piazzale 

Colosseum from Garibaldi Piazzale

Changing of the guard at the Capitol.

The Capitol

The Forum (since my other photos of it were corrupted)

The Colosseum

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