The World Is A Strange Place

As Brendan and I travel through Europe, I'm going to try to post the more interesting things I see here.  For example, today a man was busking from a trash can in Cambridge.  Hopefully it becomes a good read over time.

I call this one Guitar Man In A Trash Can.
(CAMBRIDGE, UK 1.21.12)
Barcelona has some strange traditions... siestas (nap time) and dinner at 9pm...
but double-decker trains?  I'd never even considered the idea.
London has a lot of street performers and buskers
but this is the only bag piping... something... I've seen.
(LONDON, UK 10.5.11)

I wasn't so surprised to find this kind of toilet, more so that it was in a girl's bathroom?

I'm not proud that I ate McDonald's but sometimes we're on a budget.  I was unaware, though, of the Arizona Dream, Chicago Supreme, and Miami fries.  Did this change in America too?
(MILAN, ITALY 2.4.12)

More to come soon.

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