Monday, November 28, 2011

Ramsay Hall

Woohoo!!  I got to move in to Ramsay today!  I'm very excited about it and love the new room.  The people in the hall are very friendly as well, really looking forward to spending the year here.  It's actually the same hall that Chris Martin was in!  But anyways, it's cheaper, I can see campus from outside the front gate, and they feed you breakfast and dinner Monday through Friday.  To top it off, there are common rooms with TVs and study areas as well as a piano room with the piano that Trouble was composed on.  Such an improvement!  To get a "virtual tour" you can check out this site...

The view out my window.

Brendan helped me move my things to his place and then to my place yesterday and today.  Thanks Brendan!

I don't have my own bathroom anymore but I do have my own sink!

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