Saturday, November 5, 2011

Guy Fawkes Night

I recently found out that some people don't know about Guy Fawkes day (yes, I believe they live under a rock... ahem... Krista).  If you are one of these people, then here's the story you've missed out on all these years:

After Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603, English Catholics who had been persecuted under her rule had hoped that her successor, James I, would be more tolerant of their religion.  When their hopes were dashed, 13 men decided to blow up the Houses of Parliament--a plan called the Gunpowder Plot.  In doing so, they would kill the King among many others who were making life difficult for the Catholics.  Their plans were foiled when a conspirator attempted to warn one of his friends in Parliament (not all of the Members of Parliament were against the Catholics).  Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellar below with 36 barrels of gun powder on the morning of November 5th, 1605.  That night, when the King would have otherwise died, bonfires were set alight to celebrate the safety of the King hence the name "Bonfire Night."

I hope that info is right, I got it from: :)

I took these pictures on my run around the block tonight.  I could hear fireworks going off in many directions but these fireworks were set off from a balcony by a family.  I could see two children and their grandparents and I think the parents as well.  How adorable!

 A beautiful autumn night.  No snow on the ground!  :)

You might notice how the sky isn't exactly black.  When I had my match the other night out in zone four (referring to the zones of the tube map, basically, not in central London) you could clearly see the pink hew of the sky guiding you towards the center of the city and if you turned around you'd find a lot less light pollution.

Lastly, if you haven't seen V for Vendetta (which is about a comic book hero whose character is based on Guy Fawkes) then I suggest you see it.   Happy Bonfire Night!

P.S. According to my British friends, Natalie Portman has a really bad English accent in this film.  However, in Sherlock Holmes, Robert Downy Jr. does a phenomenal job!  ...just in case anyone was curious.

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