Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lord Mayor Fireworks

Any who... yesterday was Armastice/Remembrance day and then the Lord Mayor was inaugurated today, check out the pictures!

West Minster Abbey.  The Poppy's and crosses were for Armistice/Remembrance Day (11/11/11).  

There was a parade today for the Lord Mayor so there were quite a few policemen around.

 They had tanks and Gallic bagpipers.  The whole procession was about an hour long so there were actually a lot of other groups but I figured I'd only show a few.

There were lots of horses and this carriage on the right is the Lord Mayor's.  He is the Mayor of the City of London (not the Mayor of London) so he doesn't really have much power these days although historically he did.

Then Brendan and I walked around and had some lunch and then went back to the Thames to get a good seat!

 Look at all the people!  We snagged a good spot on top of a memorial to mariners.

Our feet were dangling over the water. :)

Waited for the sun to set (the show started at 5pm--the sun sets so early!).  Our friend Sam came along too just in time.

The fireworks were amazing!!!

Some of them are a little blurry and crooked but I was a little distracted... haha

 The barge was right in front of us!  You can see the London Eye and Big Ben in the background.

I can't wait for New Year's Eve!  London is awesome.

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