Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween and Other Shenanigans

Soccer in Reagent's Park with Ben

I know I haven't posted in a while but I have done a few fun things!  I played squash with my friend, Ben (from the southern UK area) and we kicked a soccer ball around Reagent's park as well.  I took him today to have his first Chipotle Burrito.  The guy at Chipotle was like "oh you're from DC?  What the Bethesda area?" and I was like "yeah...?"  So weird.  He was from Portland but knew the Chipotle in Bethesda.  And for the record, it's only my second time having Chipotle here haha.

Ben's first bite.  I'm convinced he'll be addicted even though he said it was just okay haha

I also volunteered at the study abroad fair which was a good time.  Afterwards they had a reception for the volunteers and, like the Mechanical Engineering department last month, served us beer and wine--so weird!  Brendan and I hung around chatting with people so long that by the end they had too much left over so they sent us each home with a six pack!  "Courtesy of the European Union--thank Greece," said one of the international student advisors.

Corona is "fancy" here.  Now I just need friends to share it with... lol

Ben and I had some free time in between classes on Tuesday so we hit up the British Museum and stumbled across the Olympic Medals and also saw the Rosetta stone.

 The Gold Medal for the Olympics 2012.

The Gold Medal on the right is for the Paralympics (front and back) and it's actually way cooler than the other one.  And then that's the Rosetta stone on the right....

On Halloween I had hockey (field hockey) training (practice) and a bunch of people decided to show up in fancy dress (costume). I didn't wear one since I had my kit (gear) with me and wasn't about to put that on with a costume haha.

This was taken at the tube (metro/subway/underground) stop where our pitch (field) is.  For some reason our coach decided it was a good day for piggy back ride relay races... Must have a strange sense of humor haha.

So that was Monday from 8pm-10pm (bear in mind the season lasts the entire year so we'll be out there in December!) and then on Wednesday we had a match (game) against St. Bart's.  We won 7-2 which was good but unfortunately one of the conceded goals was on me (vs. the other goalie.  Saddd--and we've had clean sheets (shut outs) for the last three matches!) but at least it didn't cause a loss.  One of our defenders accidentally tipped a ball in against me and was deemed "Wanker of the Match" (the team elects the Wanker and Man of the match after every game) for "trying to ruin Katie's FHL (Fantasy Hockey League) standings by scoring on her."  That goal didn't count by the way.  Oh, the team does Fantasy Hockey League online with the three women's teams at UCL.  It's great fun!

 A lot of the pitches (fields) here are sand based but this one was definitely a little more sand than usual I think.

Hannah was eating olives on the sideline and I started telling her about a delicious hors d'oeuvre that my mom makes with pecans "pih-KAHNs" and for some reason they thought it was hilarious that I didn't say "PEE-kins".  Ben seems to think I'm trying to imitate a British accent when I say aunt instead of ant and if you say garage instead of garage like carriage then you're very "posh" haha.  Also, don't ask someone if you can borrow their pants at training--here it means underwear : )

This is Sam in the "Wanker Dress" after our second match.  Stylinnn

Hannah (on the left) is our captain/essentially coach.  Sadly, she has a broken foot.  Lucy is hiding on the right haha.

Getting back on track... after the match on Wednesday the team went out to the UCL Pub (in the campus Union) dressed in army garb (it was the fun theme for the night).  I only took a picture of Alice for some reason haha although I'm sure there will be more on facebook.  Good times!  We played a game where I got to make up a rule which was to, at certain points, say an American phrase in an American accent.  They came up with:
-"Ohhh my Goddddd" (Super girly...?)
-"There's a snake in my boot!" (Toy Story)
-"D'oh!" (Homer Simpson)
These are their "quintessential American phrases" haha.  I suggested "Howdy Y'all" and "What's up, dude?"  : )

Army Alice

Lastly, the sun set at 4:30pm today.  So crazy!  I think that's all I've got for now.  I should be heading to Dublin in December so that will be exciting.  Check back for more posts soon.  : )

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