Friday, November 25, 2011

An American Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Brendan and I hosted 10 of our friends (2 American--Ran (sic?) and Kierthena (sic?), 8 British) at his dorm to share an American Thanksgiving with us and it was a total success!  We were so surprised at how well everything worked out.  We definitely had plenty of food to go around and I think everyone really enjoyed the American dishes (even though we had chicken instead of Turkey haha).  Turkeys are surprisingly difficult to find around here when it is not Christmas (unless you get a frozen one...).  I walked the two miles home after because I'd have certainly succumb to the food coma on the tube and would have ended up in Brixton for sure!  Thanks to everyone who made this great holiday possible!

The feast!  A special thanks to Holly for the biscuits.  In the UK they call cookies biscuits and call biscuits scones (pronounced "sk-on-s").  We have a rough time communicating sometimes.

(Some of) Women's Hockey! 


Engin: "Are you sure Thanksgiving is this week?  Because I called my uncle in Canada and he said that it was a few weeks ago..." Oh Engin...

Half of the dozen! 

 Another half of the dozen!  Wine courtesy of Newton!

Soph, Beth, and Cleasby.  Beth made a really good green bean casserole!

 Max and Ran (sic?)

The feast preparation...

Hannah and Kierthena (sic?) carving and cooking.

Apple Sauce--not exactly the same but close enough I'd say!  The apple pies were delicious! Thank you, Tesco.

Turkeys.  And by turkeys, I mean chickens.

Thank God Liv showed us how to make chicken!  Best Thanksgiving Chicken yet. :)

 Liv the life saver.

Potatoes pre-mashing.

Mashing potatoes and stirring stuffing.

 Mashing potatoes.  Specifically, ten.  So much left over "mash"!

Cranberry sauce--what Thanksgiving is all about, right? :)

The soft drinks.  Sometimes they call Sprite "lemonade"... so confusing.

Lil' Soph with the sweet potato casserole (topped with marshmallows).  The Brits thought it'd be disgusting but were pleasantly surprised at how delicious it was!!!  My favorite dish.  Mmm. 

Stuffing pre and post baking.

Utterly Butterly... apparently it's margarine... haha oops!  On the right are the wonderful vegetables that Soph, Hannah, and Boho made!  Delicious!

Ice cream and apple pie... yum.

Brendan "washing up".

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