Sunday, November 20, 2011

Football Match at Wembley

Went to Wembley to see England play Sweden in a friendly!
Everyone stood to sing the English national anthem and it was the same tune as "America 'tis of Thee" so it was strange hearing that haha.  And they don't put their hands over their hearts.

 The match!  England won 1-0.

The Wembley Arch!

My friend Ben, clearly upset over the massive queue we had to wait in for the tube... haha

The next chunk of photos are stolen from Brendan Maxon.  My camera wasn't cutting it inside the stadium unfortunately.  I hope Brendan doesn't mind....... :)

Brendan, Me, and Sam!  The RPI crew.  Our seats were great!

The lonely Swedish section.

The never ending wave!  I think it went around the Stadium at least five or six times.

As opposed to half time.

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