Wednesday, July 3, 2013

DC to Cleveland

Mile 0: Chevy Chase, MD
On Sunday, July 1st, Hannah (friend from RPI) and I left Chevy Chase, MD in my 1995 Volvo for LA.

Hannah and I left for Cleveland on Sunday where we plan to spend a few days with the Parran family.  Below are some photos from the trip thus far.  I don't have many stories thus far but I'll tell one funny one for my nerdy friends :)

I was passing through the kitchen when I saw a textbook on the table.  It was titled "Multi-state Law II"  I thought to myself, "Hm, must be a book about the laws of elements or materials that can exist in multiple states (solids, liquids, gas, plasma).  Then Krista's brother, Ted, walked out and I realized it must be his book since he is studying for the bar exam!  Haha.

We also saw two guys pushing a Prius down one of the busier streets in Cleveland haha.

That's all for now!

Saying good bye to my pup!

Mile 235: Pittsburgh, PA
We stopped in Pittsburgh literally just to drive through it and see it.  It seems like a pretty nice place down by the river.  There was a baseball game going on but the downtown area was really pretty.

As soon as we left Pittsburgh we hit a torrential down pour but it cleaned all the bugs off my car :)

Pennsylvania and Ohio have a lot of farmland.

Woohoo!  The only time my car has been this far west was during my summer in Savannah (Atlanta was the farthest I'd gone).

We stopped by Youngstown, OH to have lunch with Uncle Bob and Aunt Denise (Brendan McMahon's uncle and aunt, that is!).  Uncle Bob helped me put air in my tires too.  On to Cleveland!

Mile 364: Cleveland, OH
We stayed with Krista Parran's family in Cleveland which was an absolute delight.  They're a fun bunch and their house is so nice!

Feeding Krista's chickens!

We didn't get to go into the Science Museum but it looked really cool!  Maybe next time.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
There were a lot of guitars at the Rock Hall but this is the only prototype I recalled seeing.

The entrance on the lower level.  There were about 20 rooms/exhibits with a special exhibition for the Rolling Stones.

Elvis, naturally.

Hannah and The Beatles' wall.

Jimmi Hendrix liked to draw and play football apparently.

U2!  Your first record has to have been out for 25 years before you can make it in.  Next time I go back, I hope Coldplay is in it too :)

Janice Joplin's Porche

John Lennon Acoustic Guitar

Old recording studio

Boom.  "The Songs That Shaped Rock & Roll: Coldplay's Yellow"

Johnny Cash's signature in the actual hall of fame itself.  There were a lot of people and they're all listed alphabetically.

We've driven past a lot of stadiums since leaving DC.  This is the Indian's Stadium (baseball).

Krista's doggies, Frank and Commodore!

We've done a lot of reading here too.  I'm addicted to Game of Thrones.

Mile 434: Cedar Point
We took a day to drive out to Cedar Point from Cleveland.  It was pretty cool there, it's right on the lake.  But we only had time to ride two rides.

The lines were so long that we had to wait about 2 hours per ride (this is only half of the line!).

We road Raptor and Maverick (Maverick is pictured above).  They were pretty good!  I would go to Cedar Point if there weren't going to be many people but if you find yourself in Cleveland, there are plenty of other things to do :)

West Side Market is pretty awesome!  The foods there look delicious.  Gave me a lot of ideas for dishes I should try to learn to cook.

West Side Market in downtown Cleveland

Hannah and I plan to go to some museums around here and then go to an orchestra/fire works thing tonight before heading out to Chicago tomorrow so there should be more to come!  Thanks for reading.


  1. Laughed so hard at Multi-state joke...tried to explain it to my 10 year old bro, he responded with a condescending chuckle. He WON'T be an engineer.

  2. That bakery looks delicious! I hope you have cruise control or a radar detector. It's really easy to start going fast in the big flat states.

  3. Haha thanks Tom!

    I don't have cruise control unfortunately but since my car is from 1995 it doesn't go too fast too often :)
