Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I drove through the Black Hills and then got into the Buffalo Grasslands

I've decided to do a few more "mile markers" again.  I left Rapid City, SD with the intention of going to the Badlands but the weather was looking a bit stormy so I chose to just head straight for Denver via WY.  I was originally going to head to Yellowstone.  Change of plans!  Heading to Denver to see Janine and Elyse.

Once I got to Denver we went out to Red Rocks and walked around a bit and then headed out to the Breckenridge Brewery for some dinner.  Then we drove around Denver a bit and then went to bed!  So tired.  The next morning I was planning on heading out to Salt Lake but roughly an hour into my drive in the Rockies my car broke.  The muffler and the exhaust pipe were no longer attached so I drove back to Denver to get that fixed.  Hopefully Salt Lake tomorrow! :)

Mile 2,039: A rancher is herding his cattle on a horse!  So neat. :)
Mile 2,116: Mingle, WY.  Population: 510

Mile 2,210: Cheyenne, WY!  Lunch time.

Mile 2,234: Rockies in sight!

Mile 2,246: Oil in my car is almost bone dry.  I think I have a leak?  Put in a two quarts, hopefully that holds it over for a while!

Mile 2,330: Denver!  Woo!

Mile 2,345: Lookout Mountain

Mile 2,365: Exhaust pipe and muffler are no longer one :(

I'm sitting in yet another pub for some soda and chips & salsa across the street from the Midas that is fixing up my car.  Hopefully it is finished soon!  Thanks for reading.

I drove over to Crazy Horse but it was $10 to see it which I didn't really think was totally worth it.  I was going to drive to the Badlands but there were some bad clouds over Rapid City so I decided to just head for Denver.  I've been caught in enough rain for now!

And then I drove through absolutely nothing.  Occasionally there'd be some ranches or animals (mostly horses--so cool--or bison or cattle) hanging out.  A few small towns would pop up every so often.

I had lunch in Cheyenne, WY at a great place that served wraps and smoothies called Ruby Juice.  (The state capitol building is pictured here).

Once I made it to Denver I was too tired to do much so I waited at a bar/grill near Elyse and Janine's place. Elyse met up with me there after work and then we headed out to Red Rocks!

Red Rocks is one of the coolest venues in my opinion!

Playin a concert, nbd. :P

Red Rocks from the trail we went hiking on by it.

My RPI friends, Janine and Elyse (left).  Janine climbed up to the top of the rocks which is apparently against the rules (we didn't know that) so we got yelled at by a park ranger and then finished out the rest of the trail.

The trail

The next morning I hit up Golden (where Janine and Elyse live) to tour around a bit.

Drove through the School of Mines

A golf course near the school!

Went up to Lookout Mountain and this was the awesome view!

View to the East-ish

View to the West-ish

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures! I need to go back to Colorado soon. Hope your car fix wasn't too bad!
