Saturday, July 13, 2013


My favorite photo from Utah, the Salt Flats!

I had a great time staying with Raya and Isaac in Utah.  The drive through the state was pretty miserable but once I got to Salt Lake we toured around a bit.  Isaac told me a lot about the city, the Mormons, the "hipster-y" scene, the gay scene (largest in the country), among other interesting tidbits!  Then we went out to dinner at The Bayou which was fantastic.  Afterwards we hung around their house and played some Call of Duty (PS3) before heading to bed.  We had breakfast at Alchemy (also really good) before I headed out to San Francisco.  I drove past the Salt Lake which wasn't that interesting (note there are no photos of it haha) but the Salt Flats were really cool!  The flats were about 50 miles long which is a long way but I'd take the salt flats over the desert of Nevada almost any day! :)  Thanks for reading, as usual!

There are a lot of different kinds of "nothing" to drive through in the US.  This is one of them.

LDS Temple (Latter Day Saints/Mormon Temple)

The LDS HQ and Isaac and Raya

Cruisin' past the Capitol building

Sunset from a hill/mountain overlooking Salt Lake City

Capitol Building and the LDS HQ

Raya and Isaac took me to this great place called The Bayou.  Super tasty!  Highly recommended if you're in Salt Lake City.

The roads through the salt flats were the straightest, flattest roads I have encountered but the flats themselves were pretty cool.

Some info about the flats.  (Click on it to make it big).

Salty, salty.

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