Monday, July 8, 2013

Chicago Part 2

Ashlea had these photos of our grandparents and parents :)

Hannah wasn't feeling well so after we all had breakfast together, my cousin and I took the train downtown from Aurora.  We hit up the cultural center, a comic book store (where I got the first Coldplay issue!), and then the Navy Pier.  We met up with some of Ash's friends for the pier and then headed home where her boyfriend, Ryan, picked us up.  We hung out with him for the evening.  Hannah still wasn't feeling well so she decided to catch a plane home the next morning.  Looks like I'm soloing from here on out!  Not much else to say about the day I don't think.

We started out our day with a tasty breakfast at Mother's (I think that was the name).

Then we took the train downtown to Chicago (from Aurora) and checked out the Cultural Center by Millennium Park.  It was really cool!  It's also free so I'd recommend checking it out.  The guy on the right is reading a really long timeline on the floor (three rooms long).

Another room (timeline in left photo) had these banners hanging that you could pull down.  They all had examples on how people work to make their community a better place on their own.  Very interesting.

The Cultural Center also has two Tiffany domes.  They were setting up for a wedding.

We met up with Ashlea's friend, Foon, and his friend, Josh, and walked over to the Navy Pier.  They were cool.  The pier was okay.

My friend Cortez recommended Portillo's so my cousin and I went there.  It was pretty good.  Apparently hot dogs in Chicago aren't supposed to be eaten with ketchup which I didn't know.  I didn't know hot dogs were Chicago's thing either hah.

My cousin and I walked back to the train station.  We got our tickets and then ran to try to catch the train.  We saw it pull away and waited for another one :)

The trains were double deckers!

This is their living room where I stayed.  We hung out that night with Ryan (my cousin's boy friend).  He's really cool!  We also went on a lonnnngg walk and then played some guitar and video games.

Their apartment.  Hannah wasn't feeling well so she caught a plane home the same morning I left for Madison.

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