Saturday, July 13, 2013


Most of Nevada (the first FOUR HUNDRED MILES) was really boring.  A lot of desert with a few hills thrown in there.  Once I hit Reno, though, things started to really look up!

This was by far the worst drive I encountered.  Worse than South Dakota.  First I drove 150 miles through Utah.  As soon as I entered Nevada on 80-West, I saw a sign that said such and such city: exit 403.  I cried a little on the inside when I realized I'd be driving almost 400 miles through this dessert before reaching Reno.  Reno was alright and Carson City (the capital!) was actually quite nice downtown.  Next door they have several mountains and the beautiful Lake Tahoe.  I can see why people would live there (but not the rest of Nevada, hah).  The lake is partially in California so that was when I finally entered California for the first time in my life.  The drive improved almost immediately (on 80-West, that is).  I first drove through the Donner Pass area and then the Tahoe National Forrest.  Trees were a welcomed sight--something I may have taken for granted on the east coast since I haven't seen too many of them (except maybe in CO) since, maybe, Minnesota.  From the California border I drove another 200 miles through Sacramento to Palo Alto where I've been staying with Matt Wing and Matt Betten.  It was a really long day of driving (about 12 hours) and I had to drive in the dark for the first time a bit but it was worth it to be in the San Francisco region!  More to come on my California adventures in the next post!

P.S. Raya suggested I download some podcasts and so I listened to some NPR and Radiolab for a lot of the drive--highly recommended!

P.P.S.  I've seen some strange signs while driving across the states.  In UT I saw the "Open Range" sign I mentioned in the last post.  In NV I saw signs that said "Prison Area Hitchhiking Prohibited".  Seems logical.  Some signs say "Slow Trucks" because when you're going uphill the trucks tend to go about 35 mph.  This sign can be directly translated to "Slow Volvos" :)  At least for my car!  Oh!  I also saw these eyes that someone put into the side of a mountain (Mile 2,989--might have been in UT but I think NV) and they were so cool.  They reminded me of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg.. overlooking the dessert wastelands.  Some people spelled things with rocks in what looked like some small salty areas outside Reno.  Those were entertaining.  That's all for now!

The beautiful drive around Lake Tahoe.  Totally worth the detour.

Lake Tahoe

3,000 miles for you Volvo, you go Volvo!

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