Saturday, July 13, 2013

Colorado Cruisin'

Driving through the Rockies (round two)!

I picked my car back up after sitting in a bar for a few hours.  The car mechanic took a Volkswagen muffler and welded some pieces on to make it fit my car, woo!  Afterwards I went back to meet up with my RPI friends and we made some dinner and then played some Scrabble.  Later that night we dropped Janine off at the airport and then I headed out the next morning.  Check out the pics for more! :)  Thanks fo' readin'.

Airport.. made of tents?!

Driving through the Rockies.  I could get used to this :)
The only downside is that my car typically goes about 35 mph up these mountain hills.

I've learned throughout my driving that the United States is like a shape shifter.  One minute you're surrounded by snowy mountains, the next you're in a rocky canyon, and then in no time, the flats.

Not the flat, empty roads again!

From flat to a few dirt mounds

On Interstate 70-West I had to take a detour around some construction at the border.  I pulled into a town that seemed to be comprised solely of trailer homes.  Makes me really thankful that I grew up in such a nice place.

Then on the detour I had to ride on this ridiculous road.  It started out like the road that was paved in the movie Cars when he rushes it--really crappy.  It didn't have rumble strips because the road itself was a rumble strip.  I didn't think my car was going to make it (after having already lost its muffler).  The dirt road then cut through an "Open Range" (according to a sign) which apparently means cattle can go as they please.  I thought it meant hunting haha.

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