Thursday, January 12, 2012

Update: Hockey, Ramsay, Fun

This is a bit of a random post but I'm basically just procrastinating doing my Applied Electricity lab... anywho!

Been having fun with my new camera and it's cool effects.  This is Brendan planning our trip to the Barcelona and the other to the Alps!  He's on the phone with a person from the booking website.  The recording said it was 5p (pence) a minute and I said "wow I bet they'll talk really slowly."  And then they did.  lol

Trying not to fall asleep and get over jet lag while Brendan is on the phone.

I got really bored when my internet was out all of last week and decided to set up the music recording gear.  

Another thing I miss from America (well, RPI): free laundry.  More importantly, ECAV laundry service.

What I don't miss from America because I brought it with me: Vanilla Almond Special K!

 Team Photo!

Oh yeah, Team GB (Olympic Team/Great Britain Hockey players) were there.  No big deal.

Ramsay finished replacing our chairs/mattresses/bookshelves/desks!  A girl in my hall asked to store her chair in my room... so that's why I have two of them haha.

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