Saturday, January 21, 2012


Brendan and I took a bus provided by UCL out to Cambridge today and did the usual touristy stuff.  It's a cool town!  I definitely recommend it and, in my opinion, it was a bit more fun than Oxford. :)

A little video I made.  Hopefully I get better at making these... haha

In front of St. John's College 

St. John's College 

The Library at Trinity College

The waterway that passes through the colleges is called the River Cam.  It appeared to be about seven or eight feet deep.

Trees at the entrance to Trinity. 

A sort of city skyline of Cambridge. 

I suspect this is an original Tudor House.  Brendan says this is how he imagines old, old London looked.

Brendan on the left and on the right I'm in front of a building that was designed by the same fellow who designed the White House.  Quite similar, in'it?

King's College Chapel and the "White House" as I call it...

So many languages... but not Spanish? 

Awkard, I can't remember which college this is... 

The inside of King's College Chapel

King's Chapel again, this time from the punting boat!

It rained a bit during the tour but they provide you with umbrellas! 

This library has incredibly old documents including a first edition copy of one of Isaac Newton's works and something having to do with the author of Winnie the Pooh... I wish I could rememeber.

Our punting tour guide.  The punting tour was probably the best part of the trip!  I really enjoyed it and learning the cool stories associated with the town.


Punting tour! 

King's Chapel again. 

We stumbled across a market where I got two Scott Joplin CDs for a pound! 

I have never seen so many bicycles in one town.  On the right, Brendan and I started our day at the Fitzwilliam Museum where we saw suits of armor, swords, and really old coins as well as some renaissance paintings.  No photos were allowed inside and I forgot to take a picture of the cool building itself so all you get is this sign... :)

Just roaming around the colleges of Cambridge. 

...and roaming the streets as well 

 Cambridge has about thirty chapels I believe.

King's College 

So much green space in England!  This was taken on the bus on the way to Cambridge.

This is probably my favorite picture from the trip because of the story that goes with it.  As told by our tour guide, some gents at the school once pulled a wonderful prank in this building (I believe it was a dormitory) where they went around the building changing all of the fire exit signs so that they pointed in the direction of this door.  They then pulled the fire alarm and sat and watched as everyone ran out of the door and in to the river.  I suppose you can never tell if these sorts of stories are true but I choose to believe it!  Hilarious.

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