Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back in London

I forget why but my friend Engin and I decided to walk around London last term and Engin was in the mood to practice his photography skills with his iPhone...?  So these photos happened haha.  But they turned out quite well!

Anyways, I got back to London at 8am on New Year's Eve and fell asleep and woke up at 3pm.  I'm having a hard time adjusting to the jet lag but I'm sure I will be good to go soon enough.  I had a good time at the fireworks and am looking forward to traveling with my friends this semester!  I found out that some Stone Ridge kids are joining the UCL party so it should be a good time!

Ramsay has also switched up my furniture and decided to secure all of it to the floors and walls... not sure why.  Slightly annoyed but already used to it--the desk is considerably nicer.  Anyways, it's back to labs, lectures, and tutorials!

Westminster Bridge / The London Eye

A nice policeman at Parliament Square

View of St. Paul's from the top of a new mall thing...

♪♫ I got 3/4 of the Shard.. in my hand. ♪♫ 
(The Shard is soon to be the tallest building in the EU)

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