Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Parliament Visit

Brendan and I were lucky enough to get to visit Parliament in December.  I was taking a British Politics class which did a field trip and so Brendan and I just pretended that he was in the class even though my class had maybe 40 people in it...  Fortunately, the professor didn't seem to mind that he came along since she didn't say anything about it haha.  Anyways, We weren't allowed to take pictures inside but we got to see the House of Lords (some of them were asleep...) and the House of Commons (which was far more interesting).  It was also surprisingly easy to get in.  Brendan and I would just walk up to each police officer and say "uh... we're with UCL...?"  And they would just send us along to the next guy.  We even got a temporary ID picture lanyard thing.  Good times--I definitely recommend it.

Entrance Hall (meeting up with my class)

Oliver Cromwell and the Houses of Parliament (waiting in line to get in)

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