Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Road Trip USA

For those of you who don't know, I am driving my car to Los Angeles this summer!  I figured I might as well make a trip of it and stop in a few places.  I plan on blogging every few days about my adventures.  Hopefully they're interesting enough to blog about :)

The Plan
Leave DC (time TBD) and stop in Pittsburgh maybe for lunch or to see the Andy Warhol Museum on my way to Cleveland where I will be staying with a good friend from RPI.  If all goes as planned, we will hit up the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Cedar Point.  Then I'll be heading to Chicago but stopping in South Bend to see Notre Dame and have lunch there.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do in Chicago or where I will stay but that is why this is called an adventure!  Wooooo throwing my cares to the wind.  Then I will head up to Madison to see Weston in his new pad.  I haven't quite decided if I will go to Minnesota or just do the straight 12 hour drive to Mount Rushmore.  I'm not sure there is much in Sioux Falls or the rest of South Dakota haha.  Maybe I will go to Devil's Tower as well.  After that I will be heading to Yellowstone where I will do my best to pass through all the sights and then through the Grand Tetons finally ending in Jackson.  That will be a couple of days.  Then I am visiting my brother's old friend in Salt Lake City followed by a nice long drive to Reno/Lake Tahoe.  Finally I will be in California with my first stops being in Sacramento, San Francsisco, and all of the other surrounding areas to visit some good friends from school(s) (UCL and RPI!).  I'll drive down route 1 along the coast and head to Paso Robles to see some vineyards before passing through Santa Barbara on my way to Los Angeles.  And that's it!

If you're interested in driving across the country, let me know.  I have room for passengers. :)

My next post should be about my first leg of the trip so stay tuned!  Thanks for reading!

The road trip!