Monday, June 10, 2013

RPI Spring 2013

My 22nd Birthday

It would be difficult to sum up this past semester in a blog post so I've decided to just throw some photos up.  Overall it was a great semester.  I was only taking 17 credits (after dropping Computer Music) and the courses weren't too hard so I had a lot of time to try new things and enjoy my last semester.  Though it may seem like it I've left out plenty of things like intramural soccer and kickball with the Fhockers (that's our name for the field hockey team) but I feel like there are already a lot of photos so I'll just stop here.  :) They're a bit out of order too.

My 22nd Birthday at The Olde English Pub in Albany.  Great friends and great times! (4/15)

The massive tea cup is free on your birthday and was filled with Strongbow. (4/15)

The 100 days (to graduation) party was a ton of fun!  (Left: Alex, Right: Sam) (2/23)

I spent a lot of time at the pub this semester since my friends were working there and I was old enough to go to trivia!  Every Tuesday!  Got third place at the end of the year :)  (Aimee at the bar during Senior week).

The boat cruise during senior week was tons of fun.  The food was good too!

Eileen made this cake for our Harry Potter dinner.  Those are her Luna glasses.

Field Hockey Seniors graduating! (5/25)

 The seniors played the other classes in a game of football (powderpuff) and we won!  Loads of fun.  I got to play some QB :)  (4/7)
During Senior Week I went out to a lake house in the Adirondacks with some friends.  This is Brendan, Anthony, TZ, and Javier on Lake Rainbow.

This was going to be a Boeing photo with Cary and Corey until TZ and Nikki crashed it : P  They're cool I guess.  (During Senior week at FIJI)

I got to play at an open mic during GM Week on the big stage.  Good times.  (4/10)

Graduation! (5/25)

It was fifty degrees (F) and raining at graduation so we had it indoors.  So cold... (5/25)

Our intramural hockey team finally won a game!  It was the last one.  Great times with the FIJI guys!

Some new friends!  We ate a pie.

Our capstone project (engineering senior design / like a thesis) went really well!  We won best design for our device that detects the presence of urine/moisture in a diaper.  There were a lot of poop jokes along the way.

Rainbow Lake

Me and Tessa on the boat cruise during Senior Week!

Good times with my friends at FIJI

New Year's Eve with some Stone Ridge cats.

For New Year's Eve we went bar hopping in Adam's Morgan.

Petey being a weirdo at Saratoga night out after the senior banquet (during senior week).  She's a beast and set a bunch of records for the women's lacrosse team!  So proud of my Petey.

Played with the Phi Mu Delta band at Relay for life in the Armory!  Really enjoyed that.

Playing pond hockey has been on my bucket list for quite sometime but instead I played quarry hockey.  Count it!

My goofball friends on the boat cruise (Andy, Bret, Sam, and Tessa)

The wine bar ("Confectionery") is by far one of the best places to go in Troy!  Always in cool places with cool people.  (Cary, Lucas, Paula)

This was RPI the day I left for Spring Break.

I visited Max and Erin in NYC and had a blast.  Max and I had a wonderful brunch and then Erin showed me around town.  Hadn't been there or seen them in a while so it was awesome!

Went to see David Sedaris at the Egg!  Absolutely fantastic.

Jakooooo.  She was my roomie until February when she moved to Boston :(

Went to the beer garden for Holly's birthday (and 2 free liters of beer) with my senior teammates and Holly's boyfriend Charles.  Adorable!

Believe it or not I spent a fair amount of time working and studying this semester too.  Cary and Sam were half of my Electronic Instrumentation team.  So much time spent in that room....


Capstone work at Phi Mu Delta : )

Thanks for reading!

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