Wednesday, March 14, 2012

London Day 1

My friend from RPI (who is studying in Barcelona), Kevin, came to town this weekend to explore London!  Although I have been here since September, I was saving seeing a lot of sights for when friends came to town so this weekend was my ultra-mega-tourist weekend in London.  We saw a lot of sights over three days so I have split them up into three blogs.  I won't exactly touch on everything we did but I'll probably mention most of the sights we saw.  Some of these photos are from Kevin.

Kevin got to London at 2pm on Saturday because he missed his original flight (he forgot to get the stamp that Brendan and I missed in Barcelona even though he asked several people if his ticket was okay.  Unfortunately, he didn't make it back in time to catch that flight).  So after a quick stop at my place to drop things off, I took him on a walking tour of all of London without telling him where we were going. 

First stop: Regent's Park!

The path leading up... 

...and up... the top of Primrose hill!  One of my favorite spots in London.  I hope to make it over here for a time lapse of a sun rise someday soon.  If you zoom in you can see (left to right) St. Paul's, the Shard, the BT Tower (where I live) and the London Eye!

And then on to a very busy Abbey Road zebra crossing.  Then we grabbed the tube over to Green Park.  We passed Buckingham Palace and when I asked Kevin what he thought it was he said, "I dunno, a library?"  That was basically the joke of the weekend.

Left: one of Kevin's favorite buildings over by Victoria.  Right: Kevin's favorite taxi in front of Westminster Abbey--a sight we missed out on visiting unfortunately.

London Eye, Big Ben, and a black taxi in Parliament Square

Crossing Westminster Bridge

Then we walked by the south bank skatepark.

Left: Entering the City of London!  The guardian dragon statue is at every entrance.  Right: St. Paul's

then across another bridge (Black Friar's I believe)

by the Globe Theater which we intended to visit but ran out of time

more strolling by St. Paul's Cathedral and across the Millennium Bridge

Sunset on the Thames

Strolled practically down to London Bridge and then back to St. Paul's.

Our feet were too tired so we took a bus--an exciting first in Kevin's life haha.  I should mention on my first bus ride through London it occurred to me where J.K. Rowling got the idea for the knight bus.  Buses here are pretty crazy!

Left: We hopped off at Trafalgar square.  Right: Countdown in to the Olympics!

Finally we walked up Charing Cross road back to Ramsay.  Although it was long it was a good day and we couldn't have asked for better weather!

Thanks for reading--for more, check out day two!

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