Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Eurotrip 2012

It's official!  This is our plan for Spring Break.  The hostels and trains (and a few buses) have been booked and we'll be setting off to cover ~20 cities in eight countries over 30 days!

We're taking an overnight bus on Friday March 23rd for...
B) Paris where we will spend four days using the fourth day to take a trip out to Versailles.  Then it's off to
C) Lyon for a day before meeting up with Chelsea Chon in
D) Nice for a day.  We'll do a day trip to Monaco the next day and then leave making a pit stop in
E) Genoa for the day before arriving in
F) Florence.  Two days in Florence with a day trip to Pisa followed by four days in
G) Rome.  3 days to tour and hang with Jess Berry and 1 day for a day trip out to
H) Naples.  Then we're off to
I) Venice.  We'll cruise down the canals for two days and then leave Italy for
J) Vienna.  After a day there we will make a pit stop in
K) Salzburg on our way to
L) Munich.  We'll have two days there using part of one day to venture out to Dachau.  Then it's off to
M) Nuremberg for a day before hanging out in
N) Prague for two days.  We'll spend my 21st birthday in
O) Dresden (yayyy) which will be our pit stop on our way to
P) Berlin where we will spend three days using the third day to venture out to Potsdam.  We'll visit
Q) Hamburg for a day followed by
R) Amsterdam!  Then
S) Brussels where we will spend two days before hopping on a bus back to
T) London.

I'll be doing my best to blog every night.  Hopefully all goes well over the coming month!


  1. Remember to take your vitamins while traveling! I'm serious, it's super easy to get sick with all the public transit. Try to get sleep so you don't burn out too quick too!
