Saturday, June 9, 2012

Woodward Visitors

Me on the prime meridian (left) and the Shard is almost done (right)!

I think my weekend with Graham, Tim, Thom, Beth, and Kiley was the most fun I'd had in a long time in London!  Granted, I'd been studying a lot and was looking to get out for a bit but it was also nice to tour around a city with friends on vacation because it makes you feel like you're on vacation too.  I also liked touring with people who were new to London since they reminded me of all the things I was amazed by when I first got to there like the length of the phone numbers, etc. haha.  Anyways, I spent two days with this crew and had a blast.

I met up with Thom at his office and then the rest of the gang joined us a bit later.  We cruised around town for a bit and hit up a pub before headin over to Thom's new flat.  The next day we met up at Saint Paul's (although I didn't know there was something going on there so Kiley was cracking up when she found me with a look on my face like "Ohhhhhh shit."  See I hadn't had a cell phone since before Spring Break so I couldn't just call people haha).  Anyways, we headed over to Borough Market for some tasty lunch and pints before catching the ferry over to the GMT where we passed by the polo Olympic grounds.  By the GMT line we had a picnic in the park with foods from the market and it was delicious!  After a few pints at the Meantime Brewery we headed over to this pizza place that shared it's bathroom with a... drag club?  I dunno what it was called but Tim had an interesting experience in the bathroom apparently hah.  Anyways, it was a super fun weekend! :)

Borough Market

Borough Market

Tower of London from the River Thames

Tower Bridge and the Shard (nearly finished!)

Maritime Museum

Thom, Graham, and Tim (left), Graham and Kiley (right)

The Olympic Polo Grounds

Photographers :)

Picnic in a royal park!

The Park

Pints at the Meantime Brewery

Sunset over the Thames

Graham and Tim after dinner.

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