Thursday, May 17, 2012

Westminster Abbey

Elisabeth snapped a photo of me and Devin.  Parliament Square is so much nicer without the construction now!

My friends, Devin and Elisabeth, and I took a study break to head over to Westminster Abbey.  I'd walked by it many times before but hadn't gone in (it costs 13 pounds so you can't really just saunter in there hah).  It was quite a sight though.  I didn't really know what an "abbey" was per se.  I knew it meant people were burried there but I always just assumed they had a little courtyard where people were buried but actually, while they do have a tiny courtyard (where no one is burried), people are entombed indoors under the floor and in, what are essentially, statues.  I know that sounds strange but I'm not sure how to describe it.  The cathedral itself was incredibly brightly lit by the sunlight and very nicely decorated like most churches I've seen throughout Europe.  But as you walk around the perimeter you'll find small rooms to the side with one or two giant stone boxes with statues of a king or queen laying in the same position that I imagine the bodies were laid in.  There are small rooms for the royalty, a small room for the Royal Air Force, the poets corner, a place for prime ministers, etc.  Poets corner had writers such as Chaucer and Dickens with statues honoring people like Shakespeare and Oscar Wilde (who are not buried there).  The cathedral also had the place where the Knights of the Order of Bath (I hope I got that right) have their.... seats?  I don't know how to explain what they are because I'm not terribly aware myself but basically these special people, chosen by a committee that meets at Windsor Castle, have their own seats.........  Sorry I can't be more informative.  Any who, it was a really good time and I'm glad I had some friends to come along with me.  I suppose I should get back to studying... thanks for reading!

Some hail and rain was passing through so the sky was really dark on one side and quite blue on the other.  It was really cool looking...

The BT Tower is right outside my bedroom window so for the most part I stare at this all day while I study.  Not a bad view :)

Just one more week of exams!  But leaving London in 10 days :(

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