Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Blog Style

I know that, at the very least, my parents will be confused when they see this new format so I thought I'd help out the less technologically advanced a bit.  I'm trying out this new blog style but if I decide I don't like it I may switch back to the old one.

So you're (probably) on the home page.  All the way to the right is a little tab and if you scroll over it, links to my blog description, "Cities," "Posts," and a subscribe button will appear.  I can't get the other sidebars back unfortunately.  If you're feeling really hopeless and are thinking, "Aww but now I can't read the posts, it only shows a preview..."  Well, Mom, you need to click on the post and it will pop up the whole post.  :)

Lastly, in the left top corner you should be able to choose other styles if you so desire to change the format yourself but the old style is not available.  Maybe I'll just change it back... Well, I'll give it a week and see how it goes I suppose.  Feel free to comment below on your thoughts.  I'm curious if you prefer the old version, or one of the styles in the left top corner.  Thanks!

By the way, I fly back to DC on May 27th!  Only two weeks left in London :(


  1. I like the new layout! I've been trying to mess with my blog layout also....still a work in progress. Did you just drag photos to get them side by side? Mine was being glitchy.

    1. Ah no, to get side-by-side photos you re-size them to "large" and then put them right next to each other. If they come out with one on top of the other, then go to your layout and adjust the width of your blog until they are side-by-side. Your Google+ page is cool too! :)

  2. Really like the new format Katie! Dad
