Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Charlie (from Woodward) visited London for a bit last week and was kind enough to introduce me to his friends and take me to this awesome spot.  It's built on the foundation of an old water plant of sorts.  Steve, an Irish guy who lives in the area, built the park with "borrowed" concrete.  That started about 7 years ago.  Now I guess the government is pleased that the heroine addicts shooting up are gone as is the overgrowth so they've decided to put in the smooth flat bottom but I guess they did it wrong because now it won't drain as well.

Sam is doing the wall ride with (left to right) ...can't tell who the first guy is hah..., Charlie, Andy, Steve, and Josh holding the wood.

Unfortunately, part way through the sick night session (they brought a generator, gas, and lights just to skate it this night) it rained for maybe 5 minutes.  It was just enough of a coat that the park was more or less soaked.  First we tried sweeping the flat bottom with a broom.  Then we took cardboard and tried soaking up the water.  We tried to squeegee the water too which somewhat worked.  The lamps were doing an okay job of drying up about a square inch in front of them.  Eventually Steve went and got some petrol (gas) and poured it all over the flat bottom.

Steve dousing the park.

Then he set the park on fire.  That dried it up in about five minutes haha.

Sam skated through the fire and did some power slides.  Someone threw his board in and it caught on fire (just a little bit) and he took it and did a kickflip.  Mid-flip the flame went out, pretty gnarly if you ask me.

Me and Charlie watchin the sesh.

This is a pretty famous spot on the Thames called south bank or something.  Brendan took this nice picture.  I know the picture is dark but it's the pillar's shadow's fault haha.

I've been skating with Thom a bit too hitting up some other skate parks.  Love it around here!  Gotta come check it out.

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