Sunday, September 25, 2011


The following are in no particular order, just a bunch of pictures of the craziness that is London transportation.  The hardest thing to get used to is looking right first and then left before crossing the road.  Don't be surprised if I get hit by a car although they are very courteous towards pedestrians.  Fortunately, at your feet they paint on the road "Look Left" and "Look Right" depending on which way the road goes.  So considerate.

It may appear as though three lights are simply out but actually they have these at every cross walk, picture them all blinking out of order with no synchronization whatsoever.  It's quite the sight. Also please note the squiggly lines that seem to appear near intersections.  I believe they imply that you may not stop there.

Bus Stop

 Driving on the left hand side of the road.

Loads of people and modes of transport.  Buses, underground, walking, biking, tube, taxis, everything! 

 So many double deckers!  And they have these painted boxes meaning you can't stop in them.

So many mopeds and motorcycles! 

Black Taxi

Tube Car

Tube Rail 

The lights follow the same sequences as in the states except here they turn both yellow and red just before turning green.

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