Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bus Ride to UCL

Since I'm housed way over by Buckingham Palace, I have to take a 20 minute bus ride (plus about 10 minutes walking) to get to UCL's academic buildings.  I didn't know, however, that on my way to a bus tour today, I'd get a mini bus tour on my ride to campus haha.  Here are a few things I pass on my way to campus (they got all out of order, oh well)...

Big Ben

Big Ben and Parliament

West Minster Abbey

So many theaters here!

Starbucks... no surprise there, they're everywhere here too. 

The only other Chipotle in the UK (and possibly Europe) aside from the one I went to, haha.

Trafalgar Square was having a concert--so cool!  (As you can see by the lamp post, I'm on the second floor of the double decker).

The other end of the square, the Portrait Gallery Museum

Walking past some telephone booths on campus. :)

On my way home.

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