Thursday, December 20, 2012


My blogging over the past six months has been pretty nonexistent but I foresee some travels in my near future so I thought I'd make an attempt at a bit of a revival.  This is my Vancouver/Seattle post which will be followed by a "RPI Fall 2012" post :)

Seniors (pretending to) jump in the water.

The RPI field hockey team goes on an international trip every four years.  The last trip (before I got to RPI) was to Dublin, Ireland.  This time around, we flew out to Seattle and caught a bus up to Vancouver for a week.  We left around August 7th and had a blast!  The whole team couldn't go but we had enough to field a team and play a few games against some of the local club teams.  My coach forgot to pack my kickers so I played kicking back for the first game and well, let's just say that's the last time I played field... :)

We also got to enjoy a lot of fun outdoors activities!  We went on a Native American canoeing trip, an awesome whitewater rafting trip, a ride on some mountain zip-lines, and a tour through Seattle (among other things of course).  Below are a few photos of our adventures.  Some of these photos were taken from my teammates.

Teammates and Coach

We drove over this bridge after every game we played to get back to the hotel.

The field!

A beach right by the field.

 The Native American Canoe Trip

The whitewater rafting was probably my favorite part!  In the middle of the trip we stopped and jumped off a cliff into the rapids which was fun and then they had a mid-trip snack.  The snack was a massive snack of oranges which was hilarious because of Carlie's disdain for them... hahah

Whitewater Rafting


View of Vancouver from the top of the mountain where we were zip-lining.

Zip-lining through the mountains!

We went on an awesome hike involving the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge and this cliff jumping area into water that was... very cold.  I don't know the temperature but I can safely say very, very cold.

We stopped in Seattle for a day on the way home.  The farmers market (pictured here) was packed with a lot of people, a famous fish market, and is across the street from the original Starbucks!  It was a really neat place.  We were fortunate to catch Seattle on a beautiful summer day!

Seniors chilling by the Space Needle (we didn't go in it though).

We got to do a little shopping in Seattle when I stumbled across this awesome pavilion with a live band playing swing music.  A guy (from India who works at Microsoft) asked me if I wanted to dance so of course I said yes.  Love swing dancing!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm super jealous. That part of the country is on my tick-list to visit and hopefully live in. The views from the bridge, canoe, and zip-line would never get old.
