Sunday, August 28, 2011

Woodward Part 2

Weeks 11 and 12:

They always serve bananas in the mornings but never at lunch or dinner.  Ergo, I can't eat banana PB & honey sandwiches so I figured I would try to save a banana from breakfast for lunch.  Unfortunately, my cabin was ALL the way at the top of the hill (6B) week 12 so Jack suggested that I just hide a banana in the cafeteria.  Well let me tell you I hid one each day in different locations and they found EVERY FRICKEN BANANA.  They're good cleaners.  I hid one behind the coffee cups twice actually and they still found it even when they didn't need to be restocked.  They found one on the floor under the condiments stand AND they found one under the cereal containers.  I realized that I probably could've just asked for one after the first day or two but at that point it was too late--challenge already accepted.

Freak Out
So I was OSIing the cage/snake run when the DGK team came by to skate it.  At the end of what seemed to be a good sesh they hop on their golf cart to roll out.  One dude driving, one in the passenger seat, one in the trunk, one hanging on to the side, and the other skitching by the driver's side.  The guy skitching caught the side of the asphalt/grass and ate it pretty hard.  His board rolled over to me so I picked it up and handed it to him at which point he proceeded to chuck it down the hill, pick it back up, and chuck it again and again until it was in the B3s.  Then he disappeared behind the ramp and 10 minutes later, when I had assumed he had walked away to Bud's Barn, reappeared from behind the ramp to pump it I guess.  Not sure what he was doing for 10 minutes though--picking up the pieces of his pride?

Why Is The Filmer Filming A Filmer?
So I was chillin one day on the Playground mini ramp and saw the Zero filmer with a mustache skating with some other Zero guy who I assumed to be a filmer.  The one with the mustache was doing blunt bs 180 while the other dude was doing blunt fs 180s.  The no-mustache dude came my way and I was like oh hey whats up.  Actually that's a lie.  I was totally stoked on skating loose trucks because my trucks have been tight for about ten years and I was amazed at how I had never thought to try loosening them before so actually the first thing I said was something like "I just loosened my trucks and now I'm so stoked to skate this mini ramp!"  He looked at me weirdly but was like "coooool" and kept skating and then became friendly and chatted with me when he realized I was usually a total weirdo I guess.  Then the filmer guy with a mustache filmed the other dude doing the blunt fs 180 on the little extension.  I was like "Why is the filmer filming the filmer?  Maybe he's a skater?"  I heard Jamie Thomas had been floating around camp but I thought that a) I would recognize him and b) he would be doing something way gnarly.  Well a) I apparently can't recognize Jamie Thomas and b) it just so happens that he had never learned blunt fs 180 out until that day.  Erin had to inform me of my ignorance haha awkward.

Icing party with Heather and Ryan

Made a sweet shirt for Dave with Gabby

Mitchie on the Mini-Mega Ramp

Clay on the Mini-Mega Ramp

Two bikers launching water balloons over the B3 vert ramps.  This particular one hit that kid in the back haha.  Eventually the band snapped on one of the pull backs.  So sad.

And a golf cart run down the snake run... (those B3s I was talking about are in the background)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sailing Camp

Washington Sailing Marina

Sunfish (beginner boats) with Washington Monument and Capitol building in the distance and Reagan National Airport directly across the lagoon.

Week 1, Hobies: It's my 6th summer at camp and I'm glad to be back.

Week 2, Hobies: A crazy storm passed crap our way and we ended up with three dead fish among other novelties.

So much crap.  In the background is an Aquafin (like a Sunfish) sailing with a Hobie on the left side of the dock and the racing boats (Georgetown's 420s/FJs that we borrow) on the right side of the dock.

Week 3, Windsurfing: Living the dream.

Week 4, Hobies:  For the Friday BBQ Alex and I decided to grill sweet potatoes--they were delicious.  I don't honestly feel like explaining the rest of this photo... I'll just leave it up to your imagination.

Week 5, Hobies: I took Thursday and Friday off this past week to hang out with Brendan Maxon who flew in for the U2 concert and we took out a Scot in the afternoon.


Cruisin on a Flying Scot.

Some fellow instructors at camp pulled this picnic table out of the river on Friday.  Must have been left over from the crazy storm on Wednesday?  Apparently it came from Arlington.

Week 6, Windsurfing:  So hot.  I saw a great photo posted on facebook of someone trying to bake cookies under the windshield of their car--why didn't I think of that???
Week 7, Hobies: Literally did one tack on Hobies on Monday because there were nonstop thunderstorms.  Good times.  Also, it's Griffin's last week ever (so sad).  Can you say dolphin striker riding? : ) 

       Styling Griffin's Sun Glasses                                 Hard at Work                  

Week 8, Sunfish: Drove sunfish powerboat. I've also been on tow team for a while and some how a mooring buoy ended up at the docks.  I wonder who did that...

Week 9, Windsurfing: My last week!
Whatchu know bout tacking?